Amid escalating controversy regarding Tirupati Laddu, Amul has filed an FIR against several social media users for spreading misinformation about the brand. The FIR, submitted on Saturday, accuses users on platform ‘X’ (formerly Twitter) of falsely associating Amul with supplying adulterated ghee used in the temple’s renowned Laddus.
Amul, based in Gujarat, has dismissed these allegations, asserting that it has never sold ghee to the Tirupati temple. The company acted swiftly after social media posts targeted it for allegedly selling substandard ghee claimed to be used in making prasadam Laddu. Amul stated that these claims are baseless and appear aimed at damaging the brand’s reputation.
What is Tirupati Laddu?
Tirupati laddu is the sacred prasadam offered to devotees at the Sri Venkateswara temple, made from ghee, rice flour, besan, cashews, almonds, and milk.
How did it start?
The situation escalated after former Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu ordered a laboratory test of the ghee used in preparing Tirupati Laddu, which revealed the presence of foreign fats like lard, tallow, fish oil, and various seed oils.
Tirumala Temple Trust Confirms Animal Fat in Ghee
The controversy intensified when the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD), the temple trust, supported Naidu’s claims. A lab report based on ghee samples from the trust has circulated among Naidu’s Telugu Desam Party (TDP) members. However, the Andhra Pradesh government has yet to publicly address the findings.
According to reports, the temple board plans to blacklist a contractor supplying adulterated ghee, emphasising that it will not tolerate violations of standards, particularly concerning prasadam, which is vital to religious practices.
Union Health Ministry steps in
The Union Health Ministry has intervened, requesting a full report from Naidu regarding the allegations of adulterated ghee in the Tirupati Laddu. As the controversy gains national attention, many are awaiting an official statement from the Andhra Pradesh government regarding the validity of the lab report and its next steps.
The Amul FIR and the Tirupati Laddu controversy highlight the importance of brand reputation management, especially amid misinformation on social media platforms. Legal and regulatory steps, including lab tests and government interventions, are crucial in cases involving religious practices and public health.
Facing defamatory claims or misinformation affecting your business? Vakilsearch offers expert legal support to protect your brand. Whether it’s tackling online defamation or addressing contractual disputes, our legal team is here to ensure that your company’s reputation remains intact. Get the legal defense you need with Vakilsearch —your trusted partner in safeguarding business integrity.
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