Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin has called for various development funds for the state in the Union Budget 2024-25. In a post on the social media platform X, CM Stalin stated, ‘In the upcoming Budget 2024, the people of Tamil Nadu are anticipating the release of three years of pending funds for the Chennai Metro Rail, approval for the express flyover between Tambaram and Chengalpattu, a reduction in income tax—a long-standing expectation of the middle class for the past decade—approval for the Coimbatore and Madurai metro rail projects, allocation of funds for pending projects under old and new railway schemes in Tamil Nadu, and an increase in the slab rate for houses under rural and urban housing development schemes.’
Earlier this year, in February, he wrote a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, urging the expedited approval of Phase II of the Chennai Metro Rail Limited (CMRL) Project.
In his letter, Stalin noted, ‘I would like to draw your attention to the inordinate delay in the approval for Phase II of the Chennai Metro Rail (CMRL) project and request that you expedite the process. Phase I of the CMRL Project has been successfully implemented as a 50:50 joint venture between the Union Government and the Government of Tamil Nadu. Based on its success, we have approved Phase II under the same model, comprising three more corridors covering 119 km, at a cost of ₹63,246 crore. The same was recommended to the Union Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MOHUA) for approval in January 2019.’
The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MOHUA) and NITI Aayog have endorsed the eagerly anticipated Phase II of the Chennai Metro Rail Limited (CMRL) project. The Tamil Nadu Chief Minister has expressed concerns over the delay in Central Government approval, which is affecting the timely execution of Phase II.
In addition to the Chennai metro rail project, he has also requested approval for the Coimbatore and Madurai metro rail projects and fund allocation for pending railway schemes in the state. Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman is set to present her seventh Union Budget. The Monsoon Session of Parliament will commence on July 22.
Last month, the Finance Minister met with the finance ministers of states and UTs in New Delhi to discuss their expectations from the Union Budget. Additionally, the minister met with various stakeholders of the economy, including representatives from trade unions, the education and health sectors, employment and skilling, MSMEs, trade and services, industry, economists, the financial sector and capital markets, as well as representatives from the infrastructure, energy, and urban sectors.
Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin has outlined key demands for the Union Budget 2024-25, emphasising the need for the release of three years’ pending funds for the Chennai Metro Rail, approval of the Tambaram-Chengalpattu express flyover, and reductions in income tax. Stalin also seeks funding for the Coimbatore and Madurai metro rail projects, completion of pending railway schemes, and increased slab rates for housing under rural and urban schemes. His recent letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi highlighted delays in approving Phase II of the Chennai Metro Rail project, which has received backing from MOHUA and NITI Aayog. As Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman prepares to present the budget, these issues are expected to be central in the upcoming discussions.
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