HomeWhat's TrendingEthical and Legal Aspects of Biometric Data Protection in India

Ethical and Legal Aspects of Biometric Data Protection in India

Biometric technology introduces new dimensions to securing personal information, prompting scrutiny of its ethical implications.
With businesses and governments increasingly adopting biometrics for authentication, ethical reflections become imperative.
The obligation to safeguard biometric data ethically is central, especially given its role in identity verification and the revelation of personal traits.

Legal Framework in India:

  • The Digital Personal Data Protection (DPDP) Act in India aims to regulate the processing of digital personal data.
  • Principles such as explicit consent, purpose limitation, and data minimisation underscore the DPDP Act’s approach.
  • The Act balances innovation and individual privacy, emphasising accountability and transparency in data processing.

Corporate Responsibilities:

  • Organisations must proactively address biometric data security through secure storage protocols, encryption, and regular audits.
  • Employee awareness of ethical practices and privacy norms is crucial for comprehensive protection.
  • Investment in research and development is necessary to stay ahead of potential vulnerabilities.

Responsible biometric data handling necessitates the harmonious interplay of technological advancements, ethical principles, and stringent privacy frameworks. Through partnerships with data regulations-compliant entities, a secure and privacy-conscious future in biometrics is ensured. Upholding individual privacy in our interconnected world requires a collective commitment to navigating the intricate landscape of ethical and legal aspects surrounding biometric data processing.

Monika Shanmugam