Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin launched two captivating coffee table books that delve into the cultural tapestry of the state. Titled ‘Folk Deities of Tamil Nadu: Worship, Tradition and Custom’ and ‘Forts of Tamil Nadu: A Walk-Through,’ these books are a collaborative effort between The Hindu Group of Publications and the state government’s Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments (HR and CE) Department and Tourism Department.
The unveiling ceremony, held at the Secretariat on Tuesday, 9 July 2024, saw K. Ramachandran, Minister for Tourism, receiving the first copy of ‘Forts of Tamil Nadu: A Walk-Through,’ while P.K. Sekarbabu, Minister for Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments, received the inaugural copy of ‘Folk Deities of Tamil Nadu: Worship, Tradition and Custom.’ Nirmala Lakshman, chairperson of The Hindu Group Publishing Private Limited, graced the event.
The Coffee Table Books on folk deities, curated by B. Kolappan, Senior Deputy Editor at The Hindu, explores the diverse pantheon of folk deities worshipped across Tamil Nadu. It highlights the significance of heroes like Madurai Veeran and Muthupattan, revered as deities for challenging societal norms. The publication also features vivid accounts of rituals, customs, and disappearing worship traditions captured through colorful photographs.
‘Forts of Tamil Nadu: A Walk-Through,’ curated by Sanjana Ganesh, Senior Sub Editor at The Hindu, offers a historical narrative of the state’s forts, including iconic landmarks like Fort St. George in Chennai and lesser-known structures at Gingee, Sadras, and Vattakottai. The essays penned by writers from The Hindu and freelance contributors illustrate these forts’ pivotal roles in political history, military strategy, and international trade over centuries.
The launch event, attended by dignitaries including Chief Secretary Shiv Das Meena, Principal Secretary B. Chandra Mohan, Tourism Commissioner C. Samayamoorthy, and HR and CE Commissioner K.V. Muralidharan, celebrated Tamil Nadu’s rich cultural heritage and its enduring contribution to India’s historical narrative.
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