Luxury fashion giant Chanel emerged victorious in a long-standing legal trademark Infringement battle against fashion boutique and online retailer What Goes Around Comes Around...
In a groundbreaking trademark clash, the Supreme Court has ordered a Madhya Pradesh-based whisky manufacturer, behind the 'London Pride' label, to contemplate a revamp...
In a legal showdown that could redefine the streaming landscape, Killer Jeans' parent company, Kewal Kiran Clothing, has filed a lawsuit against Netflix India,...
The Delhi High Court issued an interim order restraining Gujarat's 'AAJ TAK WATCH NEWS' from utilising the 'Aaj Tak' trademark. A suit for trademark...
In a significant legal development, the Delhi High Court's division bench, presided over by Justice Yashwant Varma, has overturned a prior judgement issued by...